Guarding against evangelism apathy

In the carrying out of the great commission, churches can be a gathering place for believers to receive instruction, encouragement, and fuel to go and make disciples. If not careful, churches can create a “bystander effect” that generates evangelism apathy.

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Praise and Proclaim launches outreach initiative in Tucson

Praise and Proclaim Ministries had the privilege of partnering with Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Tucson, AZ to launch an outreach initiative March 16-17. Located north of downtown Tucson, the church is located in a rapidly growing area called Oro Valley. Established in 1974, the church has over 400 baptized members with two…

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Praise and Proclaim launches outreach initiative in Lakewood Ranch, FL

In the warmth of the Florida sunshine in early March, Praise and Proclaim Ministries launched an outreach initiative at Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Lakewood Ranch, FL. Located eleven miles northeast of Sarasota and sixty miles south of downtown Tampa Bay, this community is the home of burgeoning growth and private golf clubs along with…

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Praise and Proclaim launches outreach initiative in San Diego

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church and School in La Mesa, CA has been a bright light for the gospel since 1965. Rev. Aaron Boehm and his family arrived ten years ago from Arizona. His evangelism zeal helped inspire the congregation to plant a multi-church site in El Cajon a few years ago called The…

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Ways to build a mission mindset at my church

People with the gift of evangelism often feel like lone rangers. They have a passion to win the lost and are bold to proclaim the gospel, but many Christians avoid participating with them. What are some ways an evangelist can help build a mission mindset at their congregation without getting frustrated?

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Praying for the Fruit of Patience in Evangelism

Our human nature has always been impatient. It doesn’t require much effort. That’s why patience is referred to as a virtue or an art form. It takes practice. For evangelism, the fruit of patience is a work of God in us. And it becomes one of the most important attributes for believers who are concerned…

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A witnessing prayer

Witnessing Christ in today’s world is a daunting task.  Competing truths, busyness and the distractions in life add up to what seemingly is a disinterested public. When you include our own fear and weaknesses, a believer needs to rely on God for his power and strength. The great Christian missionaries of old knew that prayer…

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Being a One Talent Church

In Jesus’ parable of the talents, he encourages all believers to fully exercise their faith by investing their gifts to further his work. This includes congregations as well. It doesn’t matter the size of the church, God still desires faithfulness to advance his kingdom. What does a one talent church look like?

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The Old Father and his Lawn

How do believers become inspired to proclaim the gospel? Since evangelism is not a requirement for heaven, nor a means to seek God’s approval. What does it take for Christians to share the Good News with others? A story about an old man and his lawn may give us an answer.

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